The Unsolved Mystery
What do people think about the Baltic Sea Anomaly (BSA) today
5 years later ?
I've asked The Ocean X Team and a'lot of other people about their thoughts on the subject, and i got many different opinions.
See Episode 1 and hear what the members of Ocean X Team
See Episode 2 and hear what Geologist, Ancient history
researcher and UFO believes has to say.
A special thanks to following people for their contributions.
Peter Lindberg
Co founder of Ocean X Team
Dennis Åsberg
Co founder of Ocean X Team
Stefan Hogeborn
Diver at Ocean X Team
Cai Magnusson
Captain at Ocean X Team
Laura Funke
Moderator at Ocean Explorer Facebook group
Stan Constantin
UFO believer
John Johnstone
Billy Carson
Researcher and founder of 4Bidden knowledge
Grant Pearson
Jan Peter De Jong
Ancient History Researcher
Oliver Byass
Youtuber Olvis 51
Angela Davis
Anomaly and history researcher
Jarmo Korteniemi
Planetary Geomorphologist
Hauke Vagt
Moderator at Ocean Explorer Facebook group and animation artist
Peter Lök
Animation artist
Twenty Tod
Animation artist
Christophe Guegán
Animation artist
Emil Marczak
Drone video recording (Marczark film)
Jack Herbon
Youtuber Sonofmybarker
Tonny Jersholm
Technical it helper
Production by
Thomas Mikey Jensen
Expressions and thoughts given in The Unsolved Mystery, only represent the person that speak.
The pictures of the Baltic Sea Anomaly are Animated pictures and not real (except for the sonar / Blueview scan, the video and underwater photos made by Stefan Hogeborn).